Solune Bear VRChat Assets
Its bear time.
Welcome Welcome, I see by the fact that you are reading this
that you might want to use these bear assets. Or at the very least
looking at them from a distance of about 5 inches from the screen.
Anyway, you wanna use these right? Well this document comes with an
in depth description of what exactly youre getting, some ground rules
of what you can/cant do with the unity package, and in the later parts
of this document, a somewhat ok-ish tutorial of how to retexture these
and a bit of unity knowledge of shaders, default components, textures,
and probably some other stuff that I am too lazy to remember as of right
The tutorial and unity info comes in the actual unity package document
and not the gumroad page. Just to keep that for the people who
actually wanna use these.
Disclaimer: Although these assets are not currently quest compatible
YET, I will be working on getting those updated! Just give me
some time <3
Unfortunately i dont think i can make these FBT compatible due to the
proportions of the body. If you do find out how to make it FBT, then
go wild.
So lets start with what youre getting::
The Solune Bear blender model along with photoshop textures that most
art programs support.
About 8 face gestures you can play with.
Martini and Honey Jug prop models along with png textures.
Sun and Moon charm model thats part of the overall avatar along with
its png textures.
Premade Scene with a set up avatar.
Sound effects for the transition from Sun and Moon.
Shader for the Martini effects.
Premade Materials.
Custom expressions menu icons.
Fully set up animator controllers for the default emotes, toggles,
and button for the transition from Sun to Moon.
Poynomi Shaders.
Mochie Shaders.
Dynamic bones.
Toggleable snoot that can be seen in game.
The other half of this document.
Pipeline ID if you want to put the public one in a vrchat world---------
Ok. Time for the ground rules::
You cant resell these
No taking credit for making the model. You can take credit for any
additions you put onto it but not for the model or its base components.
Do not use these assets as any representation of ill intent or hate.
Pretty much anything goes but use common sense for stuff that these
really shouldnt be used for.
Redistribution for friends is fine.
Texturing commissions is fine. I couldnt care less. Ive done it before
so theres no shame.
Dont remove the Creator Tag inside the avatar but the species name is
Thats pretty much it for this half of the document.
If you do end up buying these then ill see ya on the other side.
--Shiny Fox Paws''21
@ShinyFoxPaws Twitter
shinyfoxpaws FA